1. Which of the following statements regarding diagnostic testing for influenza is true?

2. Which of the following statements regarding treatment of a 28-year-old man with a body mass index (BMI) of 41 kg/m2 who is suspected of having influenza is true?

3. Which of the following statements regarding baloxavir marboxil in the CAPSTONE-2 trial is true?

4. You are seeing an 8-year-old patient who has had cough, fever, and myalgias for 36 hours. Influenza NAAT is positive for influenza B, and you prescribe an antiviral. She lives at home with her 50-year-old mother who has asthma and emphysema, is receiving chemotherapy for lung cancer, and was vaccinated for influenza 1 week ago. What is the most prudent influenza prophylaxis medication for her mother?

5. A 16-year-old girl presents to your office after 12 hours of fevers, chills, and muscle aches. She has a history of moderate asthma and has been hospitalized for this condition 4 times in the past. Office-based polymerase chain reaction testing shows that she has influenza type B. According to clinical data, which of the following treatments is the most likely to reduce the time to symptom improvement?

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